Elev8 Ambassador Membership Terms & Agreement
Cash Sale Discounts
-10% personal discount 2-xxx
-10% friends discount 1-xxx or 8xxx
–10% Hot & New using your personal code
–55% off Supplies using ambassador code REP55
Credits on Discount (No credits are earned on any rep code purchases REP55)
– Receive 10% credit on orders when your 2-xxx code is used on ELEV8GLASSGALLERY.COM
– Receive 10% credit on orders when your code is used on SIMPLY-SOLUBLE.NET
– Share your Link Page to your most used social media account. The more the better!
Cash Sale Discounts
-20% personal discount
-15% friends discount 1-xxx or 8xxx
–20% Hot & New using your 2-xxx personal code
–55% off Supplies using ambassador code REP55
-After completing Elev8 University Retail you will be moved to the Caterpillar tier and the coupon code REP35 will be activated for a 1-time purchase of Elev8 goods.
Credits on Discount (No credits are earned on any rep code purchases REP55, REP35)
– Receive 15% credit on orders when your code is used on ELEV8GLASSGALLERY.COM
– Receive 15% credit on orders when your code is used on SIMPLY-SOLUBLE.NET
-Credits are not redeemable for cash
-Use your credits and receive 35% off retail pricing using REP35 code.
Cremation Commission
– 20% on cremation glass and 2%-5% on residual shop sales
Jobs to do
– All jobs from the Foundation tier
– Must post once a week on your IG, FaceBook, Tic Tok or your most used social account and promote Elev8
Cash Sale Discounts
-30% personal discount
-15% friends discount 1-xxx or 8xxx
–30% Off Hot & New using your 2-xxx personal code
–55% off Supplies using ambassador code REP55
-After completing Elev8 University Wholesale you will be moved to the Caterpillar tier and the coupon code REP45 will be activated for a 1-time purchase of Elev8 goods.
Credits on Discount (No credits are earned on any rep code purchases REP55, REP45, REP35)
-Receive 20% credit on orders when your code is used on ELEV8GLASSGALLERY.COM
-Receive 20% credit on orders when your code is used on SIMPLY-SOLUBLE.NET
-Use your credits and receive 45% off retail pricing.
-Credits are not redeemable for cash
Jobs to do
– All of Foundation & Caterpillar jobs as well as:
– Host an Elev8 Ambassador event once a month to show off your goods to friends and potential customers. Invite as many potential Elev8 Ambassadors as you can. This can be done virtually on any social media platform you like.
– You must be willing to dedicate up to 4 meetings per month to your team leader when you are actively growing Elev8.
– Each month you must make a minimum of 2 contacts with all your customers. Updating Elev8.one with email, phone or any communication with you had in detail.
– You must bring on 2 new active wholesale customers each month. If you do not complete this, the first month you will be given a warning as well as work with you to come up with a plan to win. If a second month goes by with these same failures you will lose your status as a Butterfly.
– To earn prizes you must have participated in the JOBS for that month.
Wholesale Commission
– 16% CASH on all Elev8 Glass and 10% on all Elev8 Premier Glass & Elev8 Veteran Glass. Some exclusions apply
–15%-25% on Simply-Soluble CBD
-20% on cremation glass and 2%-5% on residual shop sales
Cash Sale Discounts
-40% personal discount
-15% friends discount
Credits on Discount (No credits are earned on any rep code purchases REP55, REP45, REP35)
-Receive 25% credit on orders when your code is used on ELEV8GLASSGALLERY.COM
-Receive 25% credit on orders when your code is used on SIMPLY-SOLUBLE.NET
-Use your credits and receive 45% off retail pricing
-Credits are not redeemable for cash
This must be a call in order
Wholesale Commission
-16% CASH on all Elev8 Glass and 10% CASH on all Elev8 Premier Glass & Elev8 Veteran Glass. Some exclusions apply
-2% on your team (includes you)
-You must be willing to dedicate up to 4 hours a month to each rep. Any more time than that the rep will need to work on a way to repay you with their commissions.
-2% from the full sales of a team that is started from your team.
-You must be willing to dedicate up to 4 hours a month to your team members.
–15%-25% on Simply-Soluble CBD
-20% on cremation glass and 2%-5% on residual shop sales
1.1 – Policies for the Elev8 Ambassador Brand Ambassador Agreement
These Policies and Procedures in their present form and as amended at the sole discretion of Elev8 Ambassadors (hereafter “Elev8 Distribution LLC”, “Simply Soluble CBD” or the “Company”), are incorporated into and form an integral part of the Elev8 Ambassador Agreement. Throughout these Policies, when the term “Agreement” is used, it collectively refers to the Elev8 Ambassador Program and Agreement, these Policies and Procedures, and the Elev8 Ambassador Plan. The person or company that is a Brand Ambassador is hereafter known as “Brand Ambassador”.
1.2 – Changes to the Agreement
The Company reserves the right to amend the Agreement and its prices in its sole and absolute discretion. By executing the Agreement, a Brand Ambassador agrees to abide by all amendments or modifications that the Company makes. Amendments shall be effective 30 days after publication of notices and posting of the amended provision, but amended policies shall not apply retroactively to conduct what occurred prior to the effective date of the amendment.
1.3 – Policies and Provisions Severable
If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as may be amended, is found to be invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid portion(s) of the provision shall be severed and the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full forces and effect. The severed provision, or portion thereof, shall be reformed to reflect the purpose of the provision as closely as possible.
1.4 – Waiver
The Company never gives up its right to insist on compliance with the Agreement and with the applicable laws governing the conduct of a business. No failure of the Company to exercise any right of power under the Sponsorship Agreement or to insist upon strict compliance by a Sponsorship with any obligation or provision of the Agreement shall constitute a waiver of the Company’s right to demand exact compliance with the Agreement. The existence of any claim or cause of action of a Brand Ambassador against the Company shall not constitute a defense to the Company’s enforcement of any term or provision of the Agreement.
Once an application has been accepted by the Company, the Brand Ambassador will have the following benefits as long as they stay qualified: (Qualifications in section 2.1.2). Participation in the Company’s compensation plan. (Compensation Plan in section 2.2.1)Participation in the Company’s Shop Progress Quarterly Sales Competition. (Quarterly Sales Competition in section 2.2.2)
2.1.2 – Brand Ambassador’s Benefits Qualification
Brand Ambassadors must have an Instagram account to participate. Other platforms will help you out and you are encouraged to use as many as possible. At this time follower count does not matter but could be of concern in the future for the higher tiers. Brand Ambassadors are either vetted and selected by the Company staff or can apply for the position online.
2.2.1 – Shop Progress Compensation Plan
Brand Ambassadors will be assigned a coupon code (such as “1-100”) to give to their followers. This code will give customers a percentage off their purchase of Elev8 products and for the total amount spent, you will receive a percentage based on your tier. Your credits will not expire and can be used any time you like on any Elev8 products. (Credits are not earned on this purchase when your one-time-use discount code is used. Credits are not redeemable for cash.)
2.2.2 – Quarterly Sales Competition
Not in use at this time
2.2.3 – HashTag Prizes
If you are picked as a winner for a prize, you can not win that prize again for 3 months. We LOVE your participation, but we want to spread the love. You can still win another hashtag
2.2.4 – Credit for Discounted Sales
When you use your code for the standard discount that applies to your tier, you will receive the credit that you earn in your tier. If you use a discount code that is not part of your credit associated with your personal codes, you will only receive a 5% of 10% credit based on your tier. In order to receive credit for purchases containing your partnership code, you must have a user account set up on Elev8GlassGallery.com, using the same email address that you have signed up for your ambassador account with. Orders placed to the site with your partnership code before you have a user account setup will qualify for credit at the sole discretion of the company. – Foundation=5% credit when code is used with discount code. The “Rep Code” must be input into the sales rep area, or there is no way for us to get that to you. – Caterpillar and Butterfly=10% credit when code is used with discount code. The “Rep Code” must be input into the sales rep area, or there is no way for us to get that to you.
2.2.5 – Commision Sales
When you earn commission sales you will be paid out according to the tier you fall into by completing your obligations. Cremation glass is paid out at 20%. When you bring on a shop you will receive 5% of their first 10 orders and 2% from orders after 10. In order to maintain this commission you must visit them once a month to see how we can improve.
3.1 Social Media Promotion
In exchange for discounts on Elev8 products, Brand Ambassadors agree to promote the Elev8 and Simply Soluble CBD brand and product in the following Social Media Outlets Instagram: posting a photo or video 1-2 times a week (based on your tier) with an Elev8 item or in Elev8 apparel, tagging Elev8 Glass Gallery, and pointing followers to Elev8GlassGallery.com. Twitter: treat the same as IG. Facebook: treat the same as IG YouTube: If a Brand Ambassador has a YouTube channel they regularly update, and promote your products at least once a month. Mention the product being promoted, what Elev8 Ambassadors are, and what Elev8 Glass Gallery is as well. Post your link on the video to encourage your fans to use it and support us.
3.2 – Failure to Meet Obligations
Failure to meet obligations will result first in the communication in the form of an email and or phone call from a Company staff member. If the Brand Ambassador is unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties as explained to them after conversion is had, the Brand Ambassador’s agreement with the Company will be terminated or moved to a lower tier.
3.3 – Online Representation
While the Company does not wish to restrict the personal or creative expressions of our Brand Ambassadors, we ask that they stay mindful of their conduct displayed online, as not to associated the Company Elev8 or Simply Soluble CBD with any illegal or defamatory behavior. The Brand Ambassador agrees to represent the products, Elev8 Glass Gallery and Simply Soluble CBD (including all brand names and intellectual property associated therewith) in good faith and to the best of their professional ability. The Brand Ambassador further agrees to conduct themselves in a strictly professional manner. The Company reserves the right to dismiss or terminate any agreement with the Brand Ambassador based on behavior, real or perceived, witnessed on any of the Brand Ambassador’s social media platforms.
4.1 – Adherence to Laws and Ordinances
Brand Ambassadors shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations in the conduct of their businesses. Many cities and counties have laws regulating certain home-based businesses. In most cases these ordinances are not applicable to Brand Ambassadors because of the nature of their business. However, Brand Ambassadors must obey those laws that do apply to them. If a city or county official tells a Brand Ambassador that an ordinance applies to them, the Brand Ambassador shall be polite and cooperative, and immediately send a copy of the ordinance to the Company Staff.
4.2 – Status as Independent Contractor
The Brand Ambassador is, and is intended to be, an independent contractor with respect to the Commitments and all services to be performed by them pursuant to this Agreement; the Company shall have no right to direct or control the manner in which the Brand Ambassador to the Company is that of an independent contractor, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating an employee, partner, joint venture, or other relationship.
4.3 – Grant of License; Ownership of Photographs/Videos
The Brand Ambassador grants to Company and Company hereby accepts a non-transferable license to use any photography/videos the Brand Ambassador personally submits to Company, its representatives, and employees, and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs/videos the Brand Ambassador submits to Company. The Brand Ambassador agrees that any new photographs/videos that are produced by Company are owned by Company. The Brand Ambassador agrees that any photographs/videos they personally submit to Company by posting on social media and using any Elev8 hashtags or @, and any new photographs/videos can be used for printed material, editorial trade, publicity, exhibits, marketing, electronic form, illustration, production, web content, social media, publishing, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter the same without restriction. The Brand Ambassador agrees and understands that there will be no financial or any other reimbursement for the use of any of the photographs/videos. The Brand Ambassador releases Company, its representatives, and employees from all claims, and liabilities relating to all photographs/videos that have been tagged with #elev8dolls, #elev8wings, or #elev8yourlife.
5.1 – Cancellation or Forfeit of Brand Ambassador Agreement
If at any time a Brand Ambassador wishes to discontinue or cancel with the Company, a written notice must be given 30 days in advance. During this time, the Brand Ambassador will complete any duties or responsibilities related to promotion associated with the calendar month they are currently in. The company will pay any remaining commission money from Elev8 sales. On any Social Media site, you have previously identified yourself as a Brand Ambassador, you must conspicuously disclose that you are no longer a Brand Ambassador of Elev8. The company will also discontinue using any photographs that the Brand Ambassador personally submitted within 90 days of cancelation. Any photographs or videos produced by the Company are owned by the Company and can be used after the agreement cancelation.
5.2 – Termination of Brand Ambassador Agreement
The company may terminate the Brand Ambassador Agreement for any reason at any time and will be effective immediately.
5.3 – Failure to Meet Obligations and Responsibilities
If a Brand Ambassador fails to promote the Elev8 brand per the guidelines listed, Brand Ambassador Agreements may be canceled per the discretion of Company staff.